Cenforce-100 10 tablets


Manufacturer: Centurion Lab., India.

Substance: Sildenafil Citrate.

Package: 10 tabs (100 mg/tab).


Cenforce contains 100mg of Sildenafil Citrate.

Cenforce is a new super strength pill for Erectile Dysfunction. It works by combining the effects of Sildenafil Citrate. The benefits are harder erections that last longer. Cenforce is for sexual enhancement, penis enlargement and erectile dysfunction medication.

The medication is dispensed as a tablet to be taken orally. The medication works by inhibiting naturally occurring processes to assist in maintaining an Erection.

Cenforce is only for adult men (aged 18 and older) are required. This product is not suitable for women in general. Cenforce must not be used by anyone under nitrate medication (even if only occasionally). Neither should be taken sildenafil citrate if you are taking, alpha-blockers, should not be combined with other drugs ED.

Specific References