Paying with Bitcoin automatic 30% discount!!!

The Fastest, Easiest and Safest way to make your payment

Pay with Bitcoins !!!

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a digital currency. The bitcoin network is not backed by any single bank or authority and it’s fully decentralized. It can be used worldwide by anyone with a computer or smartphone and Internet access. Also, bitcoins are the first example of a cryptocurrency, a well-known growing new category of money. There are a plenty of good articles you might want to read before starting with Bitcoin. Bellow you can find a link to an excellent one.

Why should i choose Bitcoin?

  • It’s anonymous. Any payment can be completed from multiple accounts, a single wallet can have as many as you want receiving address and a different one for sending funds. Account verification/validation might be mandatory for Bitcoin Exchanges, places where you can buy the coins, but you don’t need to do this for your personal wallet or wallets.
  • It requires significantly less time for payment confirmation. Faster your payment will be confirmed, faster we will ship your order and faster it will be delivered!
  • Bitcoin is not backed by any single bank or country. It’s decentralized. There is no authority to block a bitcoin transaction. And there are no reasons to do so.
  • 365 days a year and 24 hours a day – Bitcoin payments are always available. Just make sure that your Internet connection is up and running. It’s like PayPal, credit/debit cards or any other online payment method you are used to, but with a much higher level of anonymity.

How to pay?

  1. Create your Bitcoin Wallet. More Details >>>
  2. Install Bitcoin Wallet software on your PC or mobile device in order to start making payments. More Details >>>
  3. By choosing to pay via Bitcoin, we assume that you already have Bitcoins in your Bitcoin Wallet. You can buy Bitcoins from with bank card, either exchanges, or directly from other people selling them.
  4. Make your order and select payment method pay with Bitcoin.
  5. Within an hour you will automatically receive the confirmation of your order payment in your account and by email.