Intex TE-300 10 ml


Manufacturer: Intex Pharma.

Substance: Testosterone Enanthate.

Package: 10ml vial (300 mg/ml).


Best for: 

Bulking, cutting, hormone replacement therapy.

Half life:

The half-life of Testosterone Enanthate when injected intramuscularly is approximately 12-16 days. Will reach peak levels in your blood arround 3-5 days post injection.

Not recommended as a kick starter of the cycle.

1-3 injections per week 300mg-900mg max (per week?).

Do not use it longer than 12-16 weeks unless you are under Doctor’s supervision.

Cycle with:

Testosterone in general is stackable and compatible with every single anabolic. It’s like foundation of your house.  Testosterone tends to stack better with other anabolic steroids that have very similar half-life and release rate.

For example:


Test E/Deca

Test E/D-Bol

Test E/Anadrol


Test E/Tren E

Test E/Anavar

Test E/Winstrol

Some athletes may stack more then two compounds.

Testosterone Enanthate.

Mainly it is used to treat symptoms of hypogonadism in males. In this condition, males don’t produce enough of sex hormone testosterone.

Intex Pharma

Specific References